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All The Latest from Tin Pan Folk
& Americana Artist Breadfoot
January 2025 Edition
Out of the gates early. Actually, the Sunday before. Will wonders never cease? Sure they will. Dollars to donuts that February update’ll be late. Have rehearsals starting on the Sunday which is what the 2nd? Yup, so yeah gonna be out of my head trying to get last minute this and that’s in order.
Deep breathes. It’s gonna be good. Or at least it’ll be fine. Or what it is. Or whatever. But seriously I’m more excited than nervous. 6 months ago? It was equal measures of both. Thing that I was most nervous about was that when it came round to auditioning the student actors that they would just laugh. No really. That was a genuine concern. This is all new to me and though it feels right what right do I have? Guess it’s some sort of imposter syndrome? But that’s not how it played out. I laid out my first picks for the roles and Joseph Megel - The Process Series Artistic Director, made the offers and Shazam! They all said yes. Deep breathes. So yeah, for those fans keeping score at home that means we have all the roles filled and fingers crossed looks as though we may have the accompanists sorted, as well. This is huge. Next thing is to make sure that we have the funds to take good care of all these talented folks. UNC puts forth a modest budget that’ll serve to compensate the student actors. It’s not enough however to take care of the working actors & musicians that make up the rest of the cast. But hey that’s what they make Go Fund Me’s for, right? Got one cooking right now. Link is in the side bar or you can CLICK HERE. $5 - $10 - $15 or $500 clams. Anything and everything you can do is appreciated. Light this month? Sharing is caring. Sometimes when I’m broke as hell and that’s all I can do, then that’s what I do. It’s all good. Speaking of good. Think I got the promo poster looking pretty good. The in-house designer for the Process Series got jammed up with end of the semester stuff so I stepped in. Riffed off a photo taken by my old pal Joanne Mildenhall. She on a visit to Williamsburg, wanted to try and capture the same view that I illustrated for the cover of The Funhouse Recordings. Took that image of hers. Modified the structure on the right. Popped in a billboard. And embedded the design I created for an early promo effort that highlights the inciting incident. From there I added a blue gradient and then tucked the text and all lower left. Being that the city as a metaphor plays a huge role in SUNNYLAND felt like it needed to be featured. Idea with tucking the text lower left and leaving all that room was for the city scape to look like it was looming over everything. Think it works. Yeah, other than that I have the second draft working. Up to scene #7. Needs to be done by January 17th. Or there abouts. Needs a proof and to be printed and assembled for rehearsals so yeah, any later will be cutting it close. What else? Oh yeah will need to be directly involved in rehearsals for the accompanists. And will also need to get a package together for the student actors that will include music files and sides. Deep breathes. I can do it. Gotta do it. Nothing to it but to do it. Right? Oh and then as a side note. Do you remember that Silvertone 1448 I brought home? When I’m not playing the six-string banjo that’s the one I’m picking up. Also got to admit that I’m missing my old Princeton. Was an end to a means and yes I’m super happy with this new MacBook but you all who know, know. So my plan might be to trade in the ’58 Dano, the Class 5 and the Fender Blues, Jr. Limited and see if I can get something close. Okaythen. In the final stretch. Check out the GFM. Give what ya can. And if you're local (or not), and wanna then click this LINK to reserve tix for the staged reading of Sunnyland in February. And as ever follow along on Instagram and Facebook for more regular updates. Cheers! XOBF
Here ya go folks. Anything and everything is appreciated. $5 - $10 - $15 or $500. Guve what ya can and don't forget that sharing is caring. Note: depending on your browser This link might not display properly so click HERE to go to the Go Fund Me page.
Here's that poster I worked up. Formatted for 14" x 11" think it came together real nice. See what I mean about the city looking over the text. It works, right?
Here's a version of 'Charmed, I'm Sure' that features Taz Halloween who I've tapped to play Rory for the reading. Listen through to the end. Curiosu to know what you all might think her minions might be singing in that final chorus.
Worked this up with my good buddy Paul Kelley when I was last up to Balwmer. It's number that I had to write to help me write another number. Uhm, doesn't really fit into the show but something else I gleaned from the Hadestown show was that the cast came out after and did an unplugged version of a number that wasn't included. Hmmm.
And if ya wanna do a deeper dive. Here's the SoundCloud Playlist where I've been parking sketches for Sunnyland. Go get ya some. Hope ya dig what you hear.
Video featuring the first live 'workshopping' of my new project Sunnyland. Watch it in the YouTube app for full affect and to be able to learn more about the project and check out the lyrics for the numbers performed lyrics.